goooooood morning, babes! i’m feeling strangely chipper this morning compared to my usual groggy self. your girl is NOT a morning person, okay? i’m one of those people who stays up late doing stuff in the wee hours of the…
move in day + my new house!
move in day finally came! i felt like august was never going to get here, but summer surprisingly flew by! time flies when you’re having fun, right? i was planning on vlogging way more on actually moving in and decorating…
honey, i’m hooommmmeeee! just kidding there was no one waiting on me back home in stilly, but that’s why i have you guys right? 😉 i don’t know how i’m going to contain myself as i write this post, because…
flex friday: what’s in my gym bag?
for those of you who know me personally, you know that fitness is a HUGE part of my life. and if you do know me personally you’re probably laughing because huge is an understatement. i’ve wanted to do a fitness…