if you’ve read my latest post, you’d know that one of my new year’s anti-resolutions/intentions was to listen to more podcasts. ya girl LOVES some true crime, but what better way to branch out and find new podcasts than to ask all of YOU BABES for your faves?
i started listening to podcasts on my 45-ish minute commute to work, and then it slowly evolved into anytime i’m in the car, doing cardio, cleaning, getting ready in the morning or pretty much any task that doesn’t take too much thinking. i love music, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes i’d much rather learn or feel like i’m eavesdropping in someone else’s convo. hehehe
i asked over on facebook & instagram to share your most listened to podcasts with me, and i was thrilled to find out that so many of you love podcasts too. swear i thought i was the only one. a lot of you asked me to share the recommendations that i got so i compiled a big ole list of my faves, and YOURS, down below!
is there a freakin’ good one i missed? let me know! share it in the comments. i’ll be sure to update this post frequently as i find new podcasts.
ps: these are in no particular order & i’ve bolded the ones i love and have listened to!
we heard what
happy face
the influencer podcast
babes and babies
the nights rewatch
that sounds fun! with annie f downs
dr. death
the wonderland murders
thick and thin
girl’s gotta eat
tnt podcast
the popcast
the bible binge
up and vanished
rise together
doctrine and devotion
this american life
the tim ferriss show
crime junkies
bucci radio
community bible church
transformation church
we said what
what we said
the porch
dirty john
lady gang
my favorite murder
the next right thing
build your tribe
the skinny confidential
earn your happy
the morning toast
the moth
99% invisible
getting curious
the rfk tapes
thrilling adventure hour
goal digger podcast
gals on the go
model health show
happy face
dr. death
the wonderland murders
up and vanished
crime junkies
dirty john
my favorite murder
the rfk tapes
PS: HOW CUTE is this new GRRRL POWER case i got from CaseApp?! use code 20LOVEEMMARIE for 20% off your own custom case or skin!

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