hello lovebugs all the way from sunny LA!
i have officially started my internship with the wonderful kait from Madly Mignon this week, and even though we are only two days in i can tell you it is going to be one heck of an amazing summer. sidenote, if you haven’t ever read kait’s blog you NEED to. this woman is unbelieveable! aside from being a fierce, #girlboss role model, she is also one of the brightest shining lights for the lord i’ve ever met. i cannot wait to spend this summer (and hopefully many years to come) in her mentorship.
now, you’re probably thinking, “wow, em! sounds like you are off to a great start!”
and yes as of monday i am, but let me tell you this was the hardest thing i’ve ever had to do. ever since i accepted this internship i’ve been nothing but excited. it wasn’t until the semester came to an end that leaving became all too real. yes i’ve been other places far from home on my “own” (new york, europe, spring break trips, etc.), but nothing like this. as i said goodbye to the people i love the most one by one, wanting to stay out here got harder and harder. i suck at goodbyes, even if it’s only for a few months. i don’t think i’ve ever cried so much in one week. lol
but then somehow after my first day going insanely well (despite my nerves), i was filled with overwhelming peace. like god was just saying “my daughter, i’ve got you. just lean on me. i’ll see you through.”
how is god working in your life this week?
i am so excited to continue this new journey, and so thankful kait has taken me under her wing! be prepared for updates as the summer continues!
PS: for someone who doesn’t wear yellow, i’ve been wearing this new madewell top quite a bit recently. maybe it’s an outward expression of the los angeles sunshine? haha

Julie Cunningham says
Yay! You got this! Can't wait to hear more.
M-Whizzy says
I am seriously so dang proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone and going to Cali! Miss you here on the east coast but I know God intentionally put you where you are. See you in August! Love you bunches!