hiya babes! happy tuesday! i thought i’d share this casual look with you (peep the glitter sneaks!) and chat a little bit about some stuff that been on my mind lately…trust issues.
anyone else ever feel like you’re trying so so hard at something but you just aren’t succeeding? i’m gonna be real with you here, i feel like i’ve been putting so much effort into growing the Love Emmarie brand lately and i’m just not seeing much change. i know, i know, stuff like this takes time, but i’m struggling with accepting the process. i’m pretty sure i talked about trusting the process back in a flex friday during my contest prep days (talk about a process) and really just focused on the whole dieting and training process…little did i know that literally everything has a process. *nervous laugh*
honestly, it all trust issues. anyone else have the hardest time ever trusting god and his plan? yeah girl..me too! not only am i trying to build my brand, but also find a big girl job (preferably BEFORE graduation). let me tell ya, the waiting game SUCKS. it’s so easy to get discouraged when things don’t seem to be looking up…that’s satan don’t you worry. take it from my good friend joshua,
“have i not commanded you? be strong and courageous. do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your god will be with you wherever you go.” – joshua 1:9
babe. god’s got you. would like some more affirmation?
“trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” – proverbs 3:5-6
he knows we struggle. that’s what’s so great about have an omniscient god. he cares and comforts us when we doubt and forgives us for doing so! if you’re like me and in this season of waiting, just be patient and trust that HE’S GOT IT. it’s harder than it sounds, i know, but we can do this together.
sorry for rambling. trust is something i’ve struggled with in every aspect of life and this has been on my heart for a while..so hopefully this resonates with one of you sweet thangs. have an AMAZING rest of your week and i’ll see you back here on friday!
top: Old Navy / jeans: H&M / shoes: c/o Aldo (6 more colors here!) / bag: Rebecca Minkoff / scarf: Madewell / choker: Forever21 (old) / lips: MAC Taupe

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