(i know, i know it’s not friday but i wanted to get this up before i jet off to europe!)
i wanted to share my thoughts on a new product i recently purchased because i’m so excited about it!
i’ve been thinking about switching up my preworkout supplement for a while but just wasn’t quite sure what to try out.
the supplement industry is a tricky business, and unless you totally understand the science behind the ingredients and dosages, it can be pretty confusing, too.
so when it comes to choosing new products, i tend to go by word of mouth, and this time it led me to “Enter With Purpose” by Run Everything Labs.
i’ve followed DLB and rob bailey for a couple years now and love everything they are about. i know they put their heart and soul into every project they take on; their supplement line being no exception.
they use all of their own products daily which i see as a true testament to how well they work.
// product: EWP PREWORKOUT // flavor: GREEN APPLE //
what’s your current preworkout?
questions about preworkout or supplements in general?
comment below or send me an email!

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