hey, babes! happy tuesday! hoping your week is off to a great start!
so a few weeks ago, i decided i wanted to do some sort of cleanse/detox before we headed out on our trip to destin, and i decided on a juice cleanse. don’t ask me why. i don’t know, because i’m crazy probably. mom joined in too, so count her in on the crazy as well. LOL. i had so many of you ask me to give you my review/thoughts/opinions afterwards, so here it is! i sat down and filmed an overview of which cleanse i did, my experience & my overall thoughts now that i’m done (you can watch that below!), but i’ll give you a quick run down of it all, too.
which cleanse did we choose?
we did the nekter “new classic” cleanse. i did the 2 day & mom did a 1 day.
overall thoughts?
would i do it again? probably not. i didn’t see or feel enough of a difference to consider doing it again. could i do it again? yes, but i’d do it differently. i talk about that more in the video. i don’t think doing a juice cleanse for any longer than 48 hours is healthy, or safe for some. you need proper nutrition and that’s just not something you get during a cleanse. however, i think there is a “better for you” way of doing it that i speak more to in the video! enjoy!
you can jump to me talking about my experience at 3:55 in the video!
my after thoughts/opinions start at 9:00!

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