six weeks out, yall. woah.
we’re getting down to the wire and this is getting all too real. i got my show shoes, ordered my suit, have been working on my posing like crazy, sticking to my diet like it’s life or death and doing over four hours of cardio a week. but let me tell you, it’s all so worth it.
i’ll admit though, i am super nervous.
being up on stage in a bikini with everyone staring at you..a panel of judges judging your body and comparing you to others…doesn’t really sound too appealing, right? i know.
but confidence is key in this situation.
“nothing hold you back more than your own insecurities.”
there’s some straight tumblr wisdom right there.
so out of’s a little flex friday transformation for yall not only to prove that i actually am doing this, but i feel like i owe y’all an actual update since last time we talked about ice cream. lol
every week i make myself a comparison collage to see my progress since the beginning. it’s purpose is kind of as a reminder that even though i might not see it that day, progress is being made.
some days are harder than others there’s no doubt about that, but other than determination and confidence in myself i have to have confidence in the lord.
jeremiah 17:7 says “but blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.”
and because of that confidence..
philippians 4:13 says “i can do everything through HIM who gives me strength.”
on another note, here’s my gym ootd featuring my favorite leggings.
a dude at the gym told me they were “dope”…that means they’ve gotta be cool right?
happy flex friday, y’all!
now go pick up some heavy stuff, put it back down and repeat.
xoxo, emily
emilyb says
i'll post about it when it comes in 🙂
Whitney Brubaker says
What suit you gonna compete in?